It is a basic principle that participation in the Inquiry does not depend on being a “core participant” as defined in the Inquiry Rules 2006.
Every person who is infected or affected has an account that will add to the Inquiry’s store of knowledge. This means that the personal accounts and experiences of those infected or affected who are not “core participants” are of no less value in the eyes of the Inquiry, than those of a person who is a core participant. Being a core participant does not mean that a person’s evidence is of greater value.
This page will be kept up to date with information about the people and organisations who have been designated as core participants under Rule 5 of the Inquiry Rules 2006.
People who are infected and affected
2,007 people who are infected and affected have been appointed as core participants. They have a role that involves more than giving an account of their personal experience and views and offering up their own documents. Many but not all have chosen to have legal representation at public expense.
Charities appointed as core participants
CJD Support Network
Haemophilia Northern Ireland
Haemophilia Scotland
Haemophilia Wales
Scottish Infected Blood Forum
The Haemophilia Society
The Hepatitis B Positive Trust
The Hepatitis C Trust
UK Thalassaemia Society
Treloar Trust
Organisations appointed as core participants
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Contaminated Blood Campaign
Department of Health and Social Care
Department of Health (in Northern Ireland)
Factor 8 - Independent Haemophilia Group
Families and Friends of Haemophilia NI
Health and Social Services Group (in Wales)
NHS Blood and Transplant Service ‘NHSBT’
NHS England
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service ‘NIBTS’
Scottish Government
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service ‘SNBTS’
Scottish Territorial Health Boards
The Cabinet Office
The Fatherless Generation
The United Kingdom Haemophilia Centres Doctors' Organisation 'UKHCDO'
Welsh Blood Service, Velindre NHS Trust