Change to dates for expert hearings

We have amended the dates to hear from our expert groups and will now take their evidence in February 2020.

We previously announced that we would begin taking evidence from some of the Inquiry’s appointed experts in November.

The expert hearings will help place what we have already heard in a wider context and set the scene for later hearings which will examine the knowledge, decisions, actions and omissions of relevant decision-makers. 

Following further discussion, we are moving the expert hearings to February. This is so our experts have more time to draw on the evidence we will be hearing in October from around 50 people both infected and affected.  

Evidence will now be heard as follows:

  • Monday 24 February - a) the Inquiry’s intermediaries (who have been speaking to people who preferred not to give a full witness statement) and also b) the psychosocial experts, considering the impact on people infected and affected 

  • Tuesday 25 February - further evidence from the psychosocial experts considering the impact on people infected and affected

  • Wednesday 26 February - the clinical experts on current knowledge about hepatitis, including current and past treatments and their consequences, and anticipated future developments

  • Thursday 27 February - the clinical experts on current knowledge about HIV, including current and past treatments and their consequences, and anticipated future developments

  • Friday 28 February - the clinical experts on current knowledge about haemophilia, other blood and bleeding disorders and primary immunodeficiencies 

People wishing to attend these sessions can register their interest in doing so here.

Our team will contact people who had registered for the original November dates and assist with changing their arrangements.

We will publish Letters of Instruction for the expert groups this month, which outline what we are asking them to look at, and confirm the witnesses giving evidence for these dates in due course.