Inquiry Chair sets out plans for hearings in 2022


Sir Brian Langstaff reflects on recent hearings and sets out provisional timings for next year in his closing remarks, which can be read in full here.


The Inquiry will resume hearings on blood services from the week of 17 January 2022. The latest timetable can be found here

The Inquiry will then take evidence on blood transfusion policy and practice, followed by hearings on self sufficiency and production by the Blood Products Laboratory (BPL) and Protein Fractionation Centre (PFC) in February and March. 

Over the rest of 2022  the Inquiry’s evidence sessions will include Sir Robert Francis on his compensation framework review, further government witnesses, the Inquiry's expert groups on statistics and public health administration, and panels of infected and affected participants.

Chair of the Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, said: 

“2022 promises to be a year when we keep up the considerable pace at which we have been going. If it isn't the year when our hearings end, as many of us -- I think most of us -- hope it will be, it will not be for want of trying. But if we don't make it, it will leave us very close to that goal.”

Over the Christmas break, the Inquiry confidential psychological support service will remain open during the usual times, which you can find here.