Inquiry provides further detail on summer hearings


The timetable has now confirmed most of the witnesses who will be giving evidence at  hearings from 10 May to 16 September. The updated timetable is available here

Over this period the Inquiry will hear evidence relating to  government decision-making and the response of governments; candour, openness and cover-up; vCJD; and the Compensation Framework Study carried out by Sir Robert Francis. 

Chair of the Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, said: 

“In the next three months, we are turning to the government, which oversaw and had ultimate responsibility for what happened. I’m looking forward to hearing what civil servants and former government ministers have to tell us – and, like many of you, to what Sir Robert Francis will have to say”.

Registration for the hearings in May and June will open next week. We will publish further detail for subsequent hearing weeks nearer the time. The indicative timetable until the end of December 2022 is available here.