Inquiry publishes individual written statements


More evidence is provided by people infected and affected

Over eleven weeks of hearings last year, the Inquiry heard oral evidence from people who have been infected and affected by treatment with infected blood or blood products. The written statements made by that group of witnesses are all now available on the Inquiry’s website.

In total, the Inquiry expects to receive more than 3,500 individual written statements. These statements will be disclosed to core participants, then published on the Inquiry's website, and will inform the Inquiry Chair's report. The first set of these written statements – from those who did not give oral evidence last year – are also now available on the Inquiry’s website.

The first set of statements can be found here.

Preparing statements for publication takes some time as they have to be carefully checked, so the Inquiry plans to do this in sets of around 200 at a time. Individuals who provided a statement will be informed before their statement is made public.

Sir Brian Langstaff, Chair of the Inquiry, said:

"Making a written statement to the Inquiry, knowing that it will be published, is never likely to be easy. It may be emotional; bring back troubling memories; cause anger that life turned out in a way it should not have done; or worry those who have spent a lifetime hiding illness.

“Having the courage to do this deserves recognition: I am reading each and every statement and the Inquiry is publishing each and every statement. And when others read these powerful statements, I trust it will open their eyes as it has mine.” 

Anyone who wishes to make a written statement is still welcome to do so. More information about providing a statement or speaking confidentially to the Inquiry's team of intermediaries can be found here.