Inquiry publishes report by the Statistics Expert Group


The Inquiry has published a report by the Statistics Expert Group. The report gives the group’s findings from their investigations into the number of infections from blood and blood products in the UK, in the main between 1970 and 1991, and the subsequent survival rate of those infected.

The report includes findings about the numbers of infections with HIV, Hepatitis C virus, Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob (vCJD) disease and Hepatitis B. The report covers infections received from blood products; and from blood transfusions.

For HIV and vCJD infections, data have been drawn from specific databases, though their limitations are noted.

There are no such databases for people infected with chronic Hepatitis C through transfusions. As a result, the group developed a statistical model to estimate the total number of individuals infected, as that cannot be directly observed from the available data.

Members of the statistics expert group will give evidence to the Inquiry on Wednesday 5 October. You can find the full timetable here.

The full report can be read here