Letter from Jackie Doyle-Price MP to Sir Brian Langstaff

Response to the Inquiry over request to take action on financial payments to people infected and affected

In October 2018 the Chair of the Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, wrote to the Cabinet Office. Having heard first-hand from people attending the preliminary hearings in September 2018 considerable concerns about access to and variations in financial support he called on the government to take action.

Following a meeting between the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and a group of campaigners in January 2019 the Prime Minister announced changes to the English financial support schemes on 30 April. Health Minister Jackie Doyle-Price MP said the government had listened to the call for parity of support across the UK and was starting discussions with counterparts in the devolved administrations.

Health Minister Jackie Doyle-Price MP also wrote to Sir Brian and a copy of her letter can be found here.