Update on expert groups

New and additional letters of instruction and further nominees

We have today (Monday 23 December) published one new and four supplementary Letters of Instruction for our expert groups.

A new letter has been sent to the medical ethics group while the hepatitis, blood disorders and bleeding disorders, HIV and psychosocial groups have had supplementary letters sent to them. We are inviting comments on these new medical ethics letters from core participants and their legal representatives.

The supplementary letters ask additional questions following our consultation with core participants and their legal representatives on the initial letters published in September.

It is likely that the experts’ reports, which will be published in the new year, will answer the questions posed in the original Letters of Instruction and some of the questions in the Supplementary Letters with other questions to be addressed at a later stage.

Additionally, we have nominated a further expert to assist the Inquiry. Their details can be found on our experts page. The nominees from the previous round have also now all been approved.

You can read the letters below.

Letter to medical ethics group 

Supplementary letter to HIV group

Supplementary letter to hepatitis group

Supplementary letter to the blood and bleeding disorder group

Supplementary letter to the psychosocial group