Terms of Reference published: Inquiry underway

Today the Government accepted the Terms of Reference recommended by Sir Brian Langstaff, Chair of the Infected Blood Inquiry. This marks the formal start of the Inquiry.

Sir Brian Langstaff, Chair of the Inquiry said,

“What is difficult to comprehend is the sheer scale of what happened. The numbers of people, both adults and children, from all walks of life who were infected by Hepatitis viruses, or HIV, from clotting factor or transfused blood runs into thousands. At least as many more – including partners, children, parents, families, friends or carers – have been affected.

“This may have happened principally in the 1970s and 1980s, but the consequences persist today with people continuing to feel the mental, physical, social, work-related and financial effects.

“Many of the people infected and their families have battled for years to understand what happened and how they have been treated since. I aim to put the people who have been infected and affected at the heart of this Inquiry. I am determined to get to the truth and where necessary will use the Inquiry’s power to compel witnesses to explain their actions.

“I urge people with knowledge or personal experience who believe they can help the Inquiry to come forward now, and not leave it to others to do so.” If you have any questions about the Inquiry, you will find details of how to get in touch with the team on our contact page.