Update on February hearings and indicative timetable for 2022


The Inquiry has published the timetable for hearings in the weeks beginning 21 and 28 February on blood transfusion policy and practice here. Unfortunately, due to the current high levels of coronavirus and risk of transmission in the hearing room, these two weeks will be held as remote hearings.  The Chair, Sir Brian Langstaff, and Counsel to the Inquiry, Jenni Richards and her team, will be in the hearing room at Aldwych House. 

This means that members of the public will not be able to attend in person. We also ask that recognised legal representatives and journalists follow proceedings remotely unless it is essential that they be in Aldwych House (for instance, as the recognised legal representative of a witness).  When the risks of infection reduce further, we will welcome back Inquiry participants who wish to attend in person.   

The Inquiry has also published the timetable for the weeks beginning 14, 21 and 28 March (about self-sufficiency and domestic production of blood products) and an indicative timetable for hearings until the end of 2022. From May, evidence will be taken on the response of governments, transparency, vCJD and from Sir Robert Francis on his compensation framework study. 

The Inquiry has set a deadline for 20 June 2022 for initial written submissions about recommendations other than compensation from the recognised legal representatives of core participants and unrepresented core participants. This is to inform Sir Brian’s decision about whether to call for further evidence about potential recommendations.

In the autumn, the Inquiry will hear evidence from expert groups and panels of people infected and affected. If required, there will be hearings in November about additional evidence relevant to recommendations.  From the end of November and continuing into December,  the Inquiry will hear oral submissions from recognised legal representatives and unrepresented core participants about the conclusions they think the Chair should reach.

Please note that these dates are provisional and subject to change but the Inquiry hopes that they will help people with their own individual plans and also help recognised legal representatives to prepare for final submissions. You can find the new indicative timetable here.