Inquiry publishes supplementary report on palliative care


The Inquiry has published a supplementary report about palliative care for people with advanced liver disease by Dr Hazel Woodland, Dr Ben Hudson, and Dr Fiona Finlay of the hepatitis expert group.

The report outlines the role of palliative care for people with advanced liver disease and explains that palliative care includes end of life care but can also be provided alongside curative treatments when prognosis is uncertain. The report also sets out the features of effective palliative care, barriers to receiving this, and makes suggestions for improving the currently inconsistent provision across the UK. 

The report identifies specialist professional groups within the British Association for the Study of the Liver and the British Society of Gastroenterology as an indicator of increasing clinical interest in palliative care in advanced liver disease over the last decade.

The Inquiry will be taking evidence from  the three palliative care experts on Friday 4 March, 2022. Any questions for the Inquiry Counsel team should be submitted by Friday 25 February.

The full report can be read here.