Further nominees for expert groups put forward

Thirteen further people have been put forward to serve as part of the expert groups that are helping to inform our work.

Their role is to openly advise the Chair to help him get to the truth of what has happened in the most authoritative and transparent way possible. The latest nominees will contribute expertise in the following areas: Public Health and Administration, Medical Ethics, vCJD Expertise, Virology, Haematology, Hepatology, Transfusion Medicine, Microbiology, General Practice, Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, and Psychosocial.

Each expert will be expected to give their independent unvarnished views to help the Inquiry resolve the issues it is investigating. Some of the experts have made voluntary declarations on the ABPI website in regards to funding received from the pharmaceutical industry as healthcare professionals.

The list of nominees can be found here.

Further experts may be appointed in due course.